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Your spouse is your first investor, treat him or her like one

Your spouse is your first investor, treat him or her like one

The idea of marriage is that you share success and failure, not just matching rings.

I recently met with an entrepreneur in Western Canada who’s turned his family’s life upside-down in his quest to build the startup of his dreams. The family moved cities, they are living without many of the physical comforts that middle-aged Canadians expect to enjoy, and he is always, always working.

My hunch at the time was that his business would succeed, but I wasn’t sure his wife would still be with him when it does.

The entrepreneurial life is not for the faint-hearted. The doers and dreamers who start businesses rarely regret the long hours and the capital spent (or salaries forgone) in chasing their business plans. But spouse and family are not always offered a say in these decisions and this can lead to trouble.

I once met a woman who said she had asked her husband, an entrepreneur, to pick up their children from school one day. He got lost on the way there. Another entrepreneur’s wife complained to me of the boom-and-bust lifestyle; sometimes they’re in the money, and sometimes they’re clipping coupons and evading the landlord. Living with a successful entrepreneur is stressful enough, but what if the company is struggling, or if it’s an ambitious startup with a 50-50 chance of success?

Entrepreneurs had better have a good idea of the risks they are asking their spouses to accept and consciously carve out time for their partners, never taking their support for granted.

This relationship is explored in detail in a recent guest blogpost at Startup Revolution, a blog run by Colorado entrepreneur and investor Brad Feld. The article by Scott and Kathy Yates titled “Your Spouse Is Your First Investor” recommends treating him or her like an investor.

“While your spouse won’t be signing a term sheet, there’s little doubt that your spouse will be invested in your success,” the Yates write. “Before you can go out and get investors, or even customers, we think it’s important that you convince the person closest to you that you have a good idea, a good market, that the opportunity is ripe, and that you are the one to go after it.”

A spouse is directly invested in your startup. He or she may be supporting you financially, or just putting up with the mess, or spending way more time alone than they’d signed up for, they write. In fact, they are likely more heavily invested than your formal investors. Angels and venture capitalists stand to lose only a bit of money if your business fails, whereas your spouse may have suffered in silence (or perhaps not so silently) for years.

As the authors note, “There’s a reason we use the same verb for money and time — spend… Entrepreneurs are asking a huge spend of one or the other and most often both.”

Pitching a deal like this is “brutally hard,” the Yates say. Many entrepreneurs skip this sale, putting their heads down and never really negotiating for their spouse’s support. “They cheat. They essentially steal that money and/or time because they think they won’t be able to make the sale. Suddenly a spouse looks up and two years and/or all the savings are gone and they don’t really even know what happened.”

Take the time, the Yates advise: “You need to convince that first investor to go all in with you.” The post notes that Scott has done this with Kathy in three different startups, taking care each time to share his vision for the business, explain the potential risks and rewards, and demonstrate the market analysis he had done that suggested each gamble would be worth it.

Only with sincere effort and full disclosure can entrepreneurs assure themselves of the “all-in” support they will need. But this investment will pay dividends.

“The idea of marriage is that you share success and failure,” the Yates write. “If an entrepreneur doesn’t work hard to convince a spouse of the merit of an idea, they are both robbed of the joy of celebrating success together. If the business suffers a setback, the entrepreneur can’t take solace with the one person who is supposed to always be there.”
Rick Spence 

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